I'm back. For real. Will catch up a little on the past month away over the next few days and then actually do some in-the-moment-blogging. Cause life is beautiful and deserves not only savoring and capturing but also sharing.
Over the course of a week my client, Buford and I paddled our canoe over 100 km on the Klarälven in Värmland. While a 100 km may sound like a lot of work I can honestly say that this was probably my most relaxed time on my job.
This is how we traveled:
Seal or dog? Or beaver?
Made the decision to learn myself a lot about fishing. It's too good not to jump on that wagon...
.... mmmmhhhhmmm. That about captures it.
Peek-a-boo! :)
Upside down and totally grounded at the same time.
Klarälven... you're accepted as a part of my business components.
I'll be back!
GORGEOUS pictures! I love the stories of your adventures.