Even though I am already back in Sweden, here a few impressions from Glacier National Park, where I spent my last week of my US stay. I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to enjoy such diverse and beautiful places over the past five weeks. I'll write more about what's to come soon. I may also attempt to find words for the incredible experience of being reunited with Buford. Until then, enjoy the views:

This, to me, is perfection in beauty.
I shot it the morning of my departure after 3-4 days of rain and snow.

Nope, my client is not running away. He's heading to the lake to take photos. :)
Couldn't help but be reminded of Sweden...

These coulds turned out to be the forebodes of 3-4 days of storm.
Ducks nestled in.
Getting water = daily meditation.

Wonder if it had the same effect on the youngster?

Amazing, amazing photos!