Saturday, May 29, 2010

Update from Up North.

First and foremost: B's mini-tumor still has the opportunity to turn out to be a Histiocytom... meaning that it could be a "good" tumor that is not unusual in young dogs. I currently apply a gel twice a day that should make it receede (diagnostic tool of sorts) within a week or two. If it doesn't go away I will have to take him in for surgery. Even if I have to do that it could obviously turn out to be a "good" tumor; however, I am sending a lot of good juju into the cells to keep surgery from happening. It's better for B, for our exercise routines, and for my wallet. Thanks for the support!

I also got a chance to talk to a dog trainer about some of his less functional behaviors (essentially being protective of me). It's been incredibly good for me to seek help in this area, and I feel really good about taking some steps to help him feel more relaxed around strangers. In short: When looking at the pics on this blog you already know the B he already is... 95% of the time. Now I finally know how I can help him to feel that way 100% of the time! Yay, relief! Yay, asking for help!

This is our lake from a nearby skiing mountain. Mr. Moose and I started to seakajak on it last week. It's incredible. One day I went back and took B, thinking I could paddle along the shore and he could run (or rather, walk). Instead he swam and eventually jumped onto my kajak. Nope, I did not end up swimming, but realized that it will take a little training to realize the dreamy scenario of paddling into the sunset with Beefy strolling along. Little note of interest: Up North our sunset happens currently at 10:26pm and the sunrise at 3:35am.

B during our yesterday's walk. Sadly there are quite a few clearcuts that are very visible in Sweden. According to my interactions with locals they still collect wood that way here. Makes B and I a little sad. It's so much prettier when the trees get to stay where they belong. Or when sustainable practices are applied. And yes, we walked straight into that storm cloud... and had to find shelter under a tree later. That's where the following shot happened:

And lastly, the German visit. Man, I must admit I have been getting anxious about that one. Turns out that things went super smoothly, that we enjoyed one anothers company, that they loved my home, my (T)rusty (which is a stretch), and B (which is not). The - best possible result - of their visit has happened: I have a gig with a kid scheduled. I know I wrote on here that I have my first client a few weeks ago... which I do and it goes well by the way... but this will be my first REAL client. And it's going to be brilliant as I already know him, and as he will come here with another staff to spend three weeks in the area (during which I'll be a support and local guide of sorts - and make a little money). During the second three weeks of this 6-week project I, B, and the kid will be backpacking. Yahoooo!! Work! I'm for real! My company is, too! (Even though I have this awkward struggle to actually register it and move along with things). Isn't all this great?

I'm also going on an impromptu trip tomorrow til Wednesday. Accordingly I have to get my ducks in a row now and take advantage of being in the frontcountry for another 24 hour period or so. See you at the other end.

PS: Stay tuned for photos. After a longish period of rainy weather the forecast is sun sun sun! Being out for 4 days should lead to some inspiring shots! :)

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Monday, May 24, 2010

Houston we have a problem...

I noticed a little pea-size deformity on Buford's right back paw the day we went mountain biking. It looked red, round, and not right. Buford didn't seem to mind me palpating it. I didn't think too much about it and decided to monitor it.

When I looked at it again it seemed less red, same size, still there. I showed it Mr. Moose today. He encouraged me to call his ex-girlfriend who's a canine expert (but no vet). I did and she said that it most likely is a tumor. ON MY BEEFS FOOT!! Doesn't have to be malignant of course, but... what?!

Am trying to figure out if I can get him to the vet tomorrow. Apparently there isn't one in town here so we will have to travel a bit. The next day I am expecting the German guys who may be my future client providers... sure hope these coming days will be good ones!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Some cool cats went biking today!

Well, I guess, Buford actually turned his excercise-time into a triathlon.

B uses every opportunity to show off his swimming abilities!

B starts jumping for joy when I grab the bike... :)

One of Sweden's best kept secrets... the little things.

There will be more of this combo!


But first: Sea-kayaking on our lake tomorrow...

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

We clearly have stopped waiting.

Some action shots of today's walk below.

To both, B and I's delight has the lake filled up. Soon I'll join him in taking a dip.

Sometimes, "handsome" is just too fast for me... ;)

Stick lover through and through.

Ahem... just: Wow!

(We're looking at my rolemodel in regards to "how to approach life").


Things continue to fall into place.

Am loving it all.

Mornings with my SFI friends, studying svenska.

Afternoons out exploring with my best friend.

Evenings making scrumptious meals with the youth.

In between: Taking steps to realizing my first business venture.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Someone pinch me...

I experienced some deeply touching moments today.

As I may or may not have written about here, I will receive a visit from two representatives of a German company next week. They want to see and experience my environment, learn more about my motivation to work with youth, and be interested to find out what specifically I can offer their clients.

A couple of nights ago - during a hike with B on top of our house mountain - I had the brilliant idea of utilizing the 24 hours they plan to spend with me in Mr. Moose's "alpine hut" that he's willing to let me utilize with my future clients during the Phase II I am planning.

When I called him to ask if that's an option and if we could go visit it prior his answer was as usual: "Of course. Wanna go tomorrow?"

We took a little longer than that, and went today.

I don't think the photos below will do my emotions justice.

But: The place is touching me deeply, letting me feel rooted instantly, giving me peace, and letting me trust that the kids that I'll bring there won't be able to escape that energy either (even though they will likely perceive it differently than I do).

There are a bunch of little houses. One of them contains a bastu (sauna) and showers. One a kitchen (open fire place in the center of the room), one three beds. And then there is a well outside. That's where one gathers water by letting a bucket down and dragging it back up. No electricity, fire places in all houses.

In short: My dream.

I was so touched, I almost cried. Not sure what was happening there, but it felt good.

Something about Sweden and their old ways is just really hitting the spot for me.

Well, Sweden,... keep it coming.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dinner Table.

Things are developping beautifully around here. Having a client brings flavor to my life. It lets me self-actualize... isn't that a wonderful kind of perfect?

Life has always been good Up North - and yet, having a youngen around that needs a couple of pushes and some guidance here and there clearly adds to it.

One of the most nourishing parts of it all is The Dinner Table. Finally I get to realize my vision of creating an environment where the day is shared and debriefed when everyone comes together in the evening to cook, eat, and to just be. I see it as a life line of sorts.

We've been making beautiful meals from scratch over the last few evenings, which I have enjoyed greatly. Thanks to him being a Swede I also improve my Swedish in the process. (I think I won the lottery without even knowing it...).

And here's another thing it does to me: When I actually sit down to eat a scrumptious meal with another person (instead of surfing the net.... ouch!), I realize that there is plenty of day left after dinner, and find myself thinking of (and realizing) fun after-dinner activities... so I have been taking both the client and B to a special spot on the lake one evening, and then just B to explore a fishing hole in a new environment and up a mountain nearby to watch the sunset (while the client did dishes...).

The beauty of it all is that at the moment I am just starting to scratch the surface of what the future that I am building is made of.

In my vision of The Dinner Table I imagined inviting people from the community and/or visitors of mine to join the goodness.... wanna be the first to do so?

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Straight into my lap.

Hey, guys!

I have my first client!!

Kinda like a test run. He's setting up his room upstairs while I type this. Crazy...

I won't be writing much about clients here, for obvious reasons. This time just this much: This is an 18-year old Swede who needs a place to stay and figure out what to do with his life. Currently that includes getting his drivers license and letting go a bit of his excessive use of electronics (e.g. phone, computer, games) all the while following through with work (at the moose farm), learning life skills, and enjoying some of the benefits of being out in nature a lot. It must have all come to him a bit as a shock today, but we're getting along nicely so far and he will likely be one of my softer nuts to crack.

Am also in the process of making my homepage and putting some finishing touches on my business plan draft.

So, yup, things continue to fall straight into my lap. It really feels like I am in the right place at the right time.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Life is full to the brim.

Lovely B and I are experiencing some wonderful days. Yesterday was an example of how effortless life can be at times.

I woke up to the rain pounding on the roof above our bedroom. Every morning looks the same in Buford-and-I-Land: Snuggles and sighs. It couldn't be better. He's a gentleman, too - he seems to adapt his sleeping hours to my needs. And he can be up in a heart beat... no matter if it's 3:14am or 11am! Truly, a wonder dog.

Anyways, yesterday I got up shortly after 7 as I had plans to go look for Inez (runnaway preggo moose) of Mr. Moose's. In the process, I was also going to meet A, a friend of Mr. Moose's. She was going to bring her älghund (moose dog; hunting dog) for support. In other words: This was going to be serious moose tracking business and Beefy needed to stay home.

My awkward feeling walking over to the farm without B on my side was immediately confirmed by Mr. Moose: "Wow, you look like you're missing something! I have never seen you walk somewhere without B on your side...". Oh so true.

A showed up a little while later. We first took one last look inside the fence (without the dog), in case that Inez had unbeknownst to Mr. Moose hang out in the back part of it. During that walk, the remaining moose Isa and Ivan ran, trotted, and walked next to us. Isa currently bullies Ivan (apparently a normal behavior during the pregnancy), which led to some slightly scary moments. A moose that's moving quickly when bullied is not something you want to be too close to. Just saying.

Anyways, we didn't find Inez. As we started on our way back though, Ivan suddenly seemed to have enough of being bullied and decided to start playing with us. Eeeeeeek! At one point he held his stubbles (his horns are growing massively, but are still only about 10 centimeters long at this point) in my direction and seemed to get ready to figure out who of the two of us is stronger. Holy moly! I suddenly didn't wanted to be inside the fence anymore. Mr. Moose directed A and me to always have a tree between Ivan and us... Needless to say: We made it back out fine. But, hello adrenaline! And, hello tree huggers! Good times.

Have I mentioned that it was raining througout this episode?

Next we got the dog to do some tracking. In the process we marched through the forest surrounding the farm, following the cute canine through brush, water-logged areas, over meadows, and the forest. She appeared to smell things once in a while - at one point leading us back to the fence and then barking like crazy at Isa who was intending to walk with us - but all in all wasn't able to bring us Inez back. Mr. Moose has mostly given up on her. He's not excited for the moose hunt to start this year. He calls the three his "kids"...

I returned home to a happy, dry, warm B who looked at my wetness all funny. "Yes, buddy... let me dry up a little... you're next."

The thing is: Mr. Moose had invited us to come along on a canoe trip in the afternoon. Knowing that canoeing is mostly sitting still for B, I wanted to make sure that he got an adequate walk in prior. Which is why I warmed up just a little, then grabbed my next pair of hiking boots, another pair of rain pants and a jacket. Optimisticially I hung all the gear from the morning jaunt. Who knows, maybe some of them will be dry in time for the canoeing trip?

That, obviously was not the case. But thanks to my diligent preparation (read: brainstorming gear and clothing for the 3rd wet outdoor adventure of the day) B and I were ready at 14:00 when Mr. Moose arrived to pick us up for the canoe adventure. We were going to travel with two other (business) friends of Mr. Moose, one of which I already knew.

On the way to the meeting place Mr. Moose suggested to check on a bridge on the Vemhån (our river)... with all the rain in the recent time it seemed to be better to check. Ahem, yup. That bridge could have - you know - decapitated us. We decided to carry the canoes in that section.

I got a little bit more nervous about having B with us for the adventure. Due to the recent precipitation the Vemhån was full to the brim - and.... fast. However, thanks to Mr. Moose's experience on the stretch as well as my own raftguiding past I decided to give it a try. Worst case scenario would have been for B and I to walk out to the road and then to town. Mr. Moose promised to stick with us in case of trouble. "We're in this together. So, we'll stay together no matter what." OK then. Have I ever mentioned that he calls the little one "Liten Gubben" and Pluten (spelling?) all the time? Yup, they get along.

The time on the river ended up being magical. It rained, there was a misty fog over the water, the flora was colorful, and the ride swift. I was positioned in front (meaning Mr. Moose got to do all the hard work) with B in front of me, sitting on a pad. He is such a trooper! Despite being rained on and having a healthy respect of gliding on water he jumped into the canoe on command and sat still while curiously watching the wonderland pass by us. I caught myself whistling and humming in delight.

And then we passed what we later called "The Björk". There were quite a few trees hanging over the water beforehand... and some laying in the river bed. But all in all: Nothing to worry about. "The Björk" was a thick branch that hung horizontally over the river... right in the area where the current was strongest. At first we attempted to paddle away from it; however, upon recognizing that we were not going to clear it to the left, Mr. Moose decided (rightfully so) that we just had to bust into it, head first. Now, "head" of our canoe was B... and I. Instinctively I wrapped my arms around him and bent down in an attempt to safe him from being knocked out of his wits (or the canoe). And, guess what...?! The Björk had to give and it gave by letting us plow right over it. Puahhh...! I was all giggles.

Mr. Moose, B, and I proceeded. At one point I said: "For the record. This is beautiful. We should do this all the time!" And then.. we heard them screaming. Looking back I caught a glimpse of an empty canoe, floating sideways in the river as well as a swimmer near it. The other person seemed to have made it to the landstretch on the other side. Shut! Mr. Moose and I directed our canoe to a safe spot to figure out what to do next... Luckily we were able to see that both swimmers made it to the bank before heading around the next bend - meaning, other than likely being cold (and probably rapidly getting colder) they were safe.

It took us quite a bit of work and lots of wading to get our canoe to actual land. We made it eventually though and headed up the road to find at least the person that we saw ending up on our side of the river. About fifteen minutes later we found him, another 5 minutes later a friend arrived by car. Thanks to cell phones and connections and rational thinking we all got back together (and the wet souls into hot showers) within an hour or so. Pssst: There may or may not have some whiskey flowed in the process.

Once the swimmers were taken care of, Mr. Moose, the called-upon "car friend", Beefy and I returned to where we saw the canoe last. From what we observed we had some hope that it had gotten stuck on a tree... One of the swimmers had his work cell phone in a dry bag that was attached to the canoe - and really wanted it back. He had 250 business numbers safed on the SIM card and was decidedly anxious about the loss.

It turned out that he had unbelievable luck (for the second time if you ask me). The canoe was indeed stuck underneath the tree - unfortunately it had also been bent out of shape due to the forces that kept it there. However, Mr. Moose was able to untie the drybag from it, while tiptoeing on top of it, holding on to some branches of the tree that kept it in place. The called-upon "car friend" secured the canoe and took photos of the rescue. Fun, fun!

We wrapped our rainy day up with quite a bit more whiskey and beer. I made it home around midnight, feeling warm and fuzzy, as well as satisfied with yet another adventurous day Up North.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Universe...? I need some academia please!!

Hello there.

Call me manic. Over-the-top. Adrenaline addicted. Restless....?

I really want to find an academic institution that will allow me to grow mentally while I am doing my thing Up North. I feel a need for supervision. For studying. For searching new ways and techniques. For sharing with other professionals. All that stuff.

Which is why I surf the internet - once again - to find that perfect place for me.

The thing is... because I found the place where I want to grow roots (Up North, duhh! Nothing has changed on that end!), I am looking into ways to doing all that either a) via a distance course, b) in workshop form, c) locally, or d)... I wish I knew.

However, it's not that easy to satisfy yours truly. Heh.

Anyways... I have been ogling Prescott College's Masters Program in Adventure-Based Counseling for a while. That was alternative one to my lost seat to study Transpersonal Counseling Psychology with a focus on Wilderness Therapy at Naropa in Boulder. But... it just really doesn't make sense for me to do a 3-year degree traveling between Sweden and the States. Too much unrest. Too much forcing. Too much money (for god's sake!!).

But: I just found Plano Alto again. And this is funny and fascinating in that very grounding way. I first found Plano Alto (at the time called Wildnisschule) in 1998. I had my fingers on their catalogs ever since. (Ask my mom if you need confirmation, she's bundled them into my room just in case I ever directed my gaze towards Switzerland again.) Here's the thing though: They may just be offering me the perfect way to fulfilling my current need.

Plano Alto has a couple programs that I could fit into my life that last between a year and two that require its participants to travel to different places in Europe to earn modules for programs such as Systemische Prozessgestaltung, Erlebnispaedagogik, or Systemische Naturtherapie und Beratung. Added bonus: I am already in love with some of the teachers (thanks to having read their literature before). Another added bonus: Those programs cost me a tiny fraction of the US equivalents (meaning... e.g. Euro 4,600.-- for the Systemische Naturtherapie program instead of 66,000 US$ for the program at Prescott). Another added bonus: It's European (probably helpful for my program up here). Another added bonus: Participating in a program that has workshops in Switzerland (and on occasion in Greece!) will get my butt home... it's been 2 (!) years. Another added bonus: I can easily combine this with my firm in the making.

Wow. You may hear more of Plano Alto in the near future.

Universe? ------ Thanks. You continue to blow my mind.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ready to Stop Waiting.

I just got to experience the most perfect day.

Mr. Moose took B and I - even further - Up North to the beautiful town of Östersund. He facilitated a meeting for me with his favorite business consultant (never mind that I have my own as well - but hey, starting a business one can never get enough support, right?!).

So, yeah... it's kinda getting official:

Yours truly is starting her own business.

I gotta say this again...

"I am starting a business."


Needless to say... The meeting... which was going to take a close look at my finances and the doability of my business venture was a success. I totally expected for there to be a fluke somewhere, you know, something I haven't thought of yet, that was going to destroy my whole idea. But, no. None of that.

It just really sounds like all this is meant to be.

And that I am totally in the right place at the right time.


The day continued with some amazing Sushi, lots of conversation with Mr. Moose (always a pleasure), lots of driving through amazing landscape, a visit of another moose farm (to inquire tips and tricks for the upcoming calf birthing/early days process - have I said "yay!" yet?), more conversation, spontaneous decision to have pizza in Sveg, and then - even more spontaneous decision to walk home from Sveg (while Mr. Moose drove)... only to see yet another perfect perspective of my new home (see picture above for support of my endless excitement). Plus, I LOVE it when I have an idea such as... "I could just walk home to give the B some exercise"... simple and perfect, all in one big swoop. On a bittersweet note though: Right after I shot the picture above, Mr. Moose called me to inform me that one of the pregnant moose has escaped... she's still not found. Cross your finga's for us!!

Anyways, my life has experienced some wonderful development.

I am now going to SFI (svenska för invandare) courses every morning of the work week. Offering me a community of beautiful people from places like Rwanda, Thailand, Burundi, Burma, Iraq, Polen, Japan, and more. And some Swedish knowledge on the side. ;)
I am actively getting my business going... meaning: I am in the process of writing my businessplan, have written my budget today, am in the process of getting my first client (!! - a representative of a German company that could become the "life giver" of my company is coming to visit me on 5/26 to check out my environment and discuss the possibility of working together - !!), have come up with a name, will soon capture my web presence space, and - if all goes well - will be getting the OK to get financial support from Sweden for the month of June!

I am in absulute. awe. of.... ME!

So, today is the day... that allows me to do the most powerful thing I can do in my (ad)ventures:
I will finally let go. Of... stagnance, fear, doubts.


... I will Stop Waiting. You know, NOW.

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Norrland is for real.

I am running into reminders on just how "real" my new home is all the time. Having grown up in a beautiful small village in the Swiss Alps I am a total novice when it comes to living ruggedly Up North amidst animals like moose and bear and wolf. With my Mr. Moose connection I get to meet moose in a most unusual albeit fascinating way... as neighboring friends. Fact is, they don't all want to be pet and/or eat bananas (hmmmm... maybe they do all want to eat bananas but may just not know it?). Another fact is... Beefy wants to eat them. At least their legs if they are removed from the body. Lucky rascal found four legs a mere 200 yards from our house!! Waek.

Blissful B is obviously all about Up North and its treasures.

Found this during one of my recent morning strolls (!!).

(And yes, I do have small feet, but STILL.)

When I found paralleling smaller tracks I started singing, keeping the B close and eventually turned around.

Despite some initial shivers - as long as B and I are safe: I'm loving it.

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Back Together.

Note: Not sure what's going on; however, I have not made it here as much as I had planned to recently. So much is certain, lots of things are happening - and lots of things should be happening (aka my to-do-list is lengthy), so in the interest of getting the juices flowing again, I'll get started by sharing B and I's reunion story.


Somtime on May 2nd after three long flights, some time in between, and a couple of train rides I stumbled onto the platform at Norrköping Centralen. Backpack on, secondary bag in hand, my eyes searchingly scanning the cars and people nearby for the Lil' One. It's been 5 weeks or so.

There! I see him. He's weaving out of the parking lot, on leash, sniffing happily left and right.

He doesn't see me. Yet.

N, on the other end of his leash, spots me, waves, and comes towards me.

I make it across the driveway, and onto a little "traffic island".

I stop. Take him in. Wait.

He continues to weave, not a worry in the world.

He looks a little beefier. And, awfully cute.
I wait for him to get closer.
When he's only a couple of feet from me, I say: "Hey, Buford...".

He stops abruptely. Looks up.
And then... he explodes into my face.

I go down onto my knees. I feel his paws on my shoulders.

His tongue in my ears (he LOVES doing that).

I feel tears of joy brimming in my eyes.

We engage tail-waggingly, little-sweetness-sharingly into being fully present.

The sun dances on our faces.

I just take it in.

N stands next to us, still connected by the leash. She laughs.

I finally stumble to my feet again.

Hug N, whisper "Thank you!".

And N smiles and ... hands me his leash back.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Getting Grounded Back Home.

Yup, I almost didn't make it back to the house... Cause: "death by mud".

Sticks... The lake beds best kept secret.

We get to call all this our home?? :)

Crazy what features one can find without the snow cover!!


Back. And loving it!
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Monday, May 3, 2010

Amazing Glacier National Park.

Even though I am already back in Sweden, here a few impressions from Glacier National Park, where I spent my last week of my US stay. I feel blessed to have been given the opportunity to enjoy such diverse and beautiful places over the past five weeks. I'll write more about what's to come soon. I may also attempt to find words for the incredible experience of being reunited with Buford. Until then, enjoy the views:

This, to me, is perfection in beauty.
I shot it the morning of my departure after 3-4 days of rain and snow.

Nope, my client is not running away. He's heading to the lake to take photos. :)

Couldn't help but be reminded of Sweden...

These coulds turned out to be the forebodes of 3-4 days of storm.

Ducks nestled in.

Getting water = daily meditation.

Wonder if it had the same effect on the youngster?

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