Dear Instincts That Guided Me Here:
Life is incredible.
Thank you for showing me a place where I can
do my part to spread what I believe in. I promise I will do
my very best.
I'll keep the Beef happy, too.
Best regards,
Yup, that's what it feels like since I arrived "Up North".
Life is incredible.
Thank you for showing me a place where I can
do my part to spread what I believe in. I promise I will do
my very best.
I'll keep the Beef happy, too.
Best regards,
Yup, that's what it feels like since I arrived "Up North".

There's a sweetness to the struggle I experience as I type this... I don't know where to start... so many loose ends to tuck in. Now the desire to share and describe is tugging... I guess I'll just let it flow and see what happens... :)
Snowmobiling... an odd start for a fan of human-powered adventures. And... I had such a blast yesterday "blasting" my machine through wild lands in Central Sweden... always following the track of Mr. Moose. I remember pondering the term boy-toy... does it even exist? Either way - I sincerely enjoyed getting a grip on a powerful machine, racing through snow, failing momentarily, and mostly just being completely awed by the stark beauty of the landscape that we traveled through... I already knew this and yet it was powerful to experience it up close and personal: The wild landscape that I soon get to call my home is the ideal place for a program utilizing nature as its greatest influence.
Snowmobiling... an odd start for a fan of human-powered adventures. And... I had such a blast yesterday "blasting" my machine through wild lands in Central Sweden... always following the track of Mr. Moose. I remember pondering the term boy-toy... does it even exist? Either way - I sincerely enjoyed getting a grip on a powerful machine, racing through snow, failing momentarily, and mostly just being completely awed by the stark beauty of the landscape that we traveled through... I already knew this and yet it was powerful to experience it up close and personal: The wild landscape that I soon get to call my home is the ideal place for a program utilizing nature as its greatest influence.
Mr. Moose with the machines...
Heart tuggins... That's what the reindeer do to me. They tug on my heartstrings. (Wait, what's a heart string?) I wanna live in a place where I happen across these guys at random several times a day (this time of year that is). Not only because B's body is shaking like an aspen leaf in a strong breeze, but also because they sweetly remind me that the world still holds a lot of magic. (Yes, I'll turn in a total cheese ball up here, that much is clear!).
Heartstrings tugger.
Ivan, Inez, and Isa. This sweet little crew is killing me. They're gorgeous, gentle, and inspiring creatures that love human company. And no, not exclusively so when one approaches with bananas or twigs (although they surely love those moments). They actually join you on walks along their fence!! Visualize: Mr. Moose, Yours Truly, Rheuben (Mr. M's huge Rhodesian Ridgeback), and Beefy walking the fence on the outside.... with Inez, Isa, and Ivan frolicking along inside. It's a rush and a blessing at the same time. Once Ivan looses his antlers one can do the same inside the fence... Once I am back here I'll spend some quality time taking real good pics of them. This time around even I was too mesmerized to take the time in doing so. Can you believe it?
While that's all exciting... here's the real stuff:
I've had the pleasure of brainstorming and networking at Mr. Moose's side for the past week. Doing so I have enjoyed incredible views, inspiring conversations, and meeting wonderful people. As of right now I am committed to do the following:
Move Up North as pronto as I can (I'll keep calling it that despite Sveg being in Central Sweden... after all it's part of Norrland... and everything North of Stockholm is considered North by any Swede).
Create a livable scenario for Buford and I for the time between now and approximately May. (* see exciting opportunities below)
Start my own business on a small scale by May. Yup, you heard it right... I am finally going to let go of the chicken that I continue to house somewhere within me and do what I do best... Stop Waiting. I got a whole community standing behind me, funding just waiting for me, and youth with desperate needs.
* Now that I am invigorated with change and hope and excitement... my creativity is flowing over. This week I had several dialogues with important community members who are eager to support me in setting up my new life up here. A couple of days ago I met a guy who's responsible to give funds to desirable business ventures who basically told me that with my kinds of skills and ideas I'll get a 30,000 USD starter donation as soon as May 2010!!! Yesterday evening I met the responsible person of the social health sector (responsible for people struggling with addictions). We clicked and she gave me a big "thumbs up" for proceeding with my plan to create a temporary home for youth. She will inquire with the people in power if the community will pay me for doing mentoring work with youth between now and May. The idea here is to get me started in earning trust within the greater community, helping youth as soon as possible (there is NOTHING for them in place.. NOTHING!!), and getting me a little island to stand on. If this works out I would be hired for a 3-month period to meet 1:1 with maybe 6 youth on a regular basis to do anything from drinking coffee to going out backpacking (according to the youths interests and needs). Obviously that would also allow me access to much needed Swedish courses and getting a more thorough understanding of the place and its opportunities and challenges. All-the-while I could focus on applying for funds for my business to be... figure out location, business-y stuff, etc.
Today, feeling quite elated after last night... I searched the net some in regards to other initial opportunities for me and found in the process that this community is basically screaming for people like me to move here. They have free business courses for people up to 35 years old... and highlight that they are particularly interested in female entrepreneurs. When checking the local Arbetsformedlingen homepage, I found that there is a project going that entices people from the EU to move here. As a German passport holder, I fall into that category as well which makes me highly desirable for the area. (Which is were I got the brain fart of creating a Wanted Sign for this blogpost... - aka: Having a dog that needs walks and too much brain juices being activated).
Being the Go Getter I currently I am, I immediately went to the Arbetsformedlingen to set up an appointment. Sounds like those guys may even give me funds to keep alive between now and then. Crazy, huh? The thing is... all of Sweden is generally set up the same way. But when I attempted to take all the steps I am currently taking here back in the south... they only had frustrating results because the area is overflowing with all kinds of immigrants and the professional environment is significantly less suited for my kinds of skills. Hence, not moving here would be suicidal. Well,... you're getting my point, right?
So, Beefy and I are shifting back to Go Getter Style living.
We're stoked.. and we will do our best to keep you posted on our progress.
Me and B
I've had the pleasure of brainstorming and networking at Mr. Moose's side for the past week. Doing so I have enjoyed incredible views, inspiring conversations, and meeting wonderful people. As of right now I am committed to do the following:
Move Up North as pronto as I can (I'll keep calling it that despite Sveg being in Central Sweden... after all it's part of Norrland... and everything North of Stockholm is considered North by any Swede).
Create a livable scenario for Buford and I for the time between now and approximately May. (* see exciting opportunities below)
Start my own business on a small scale by May. Yup, you heard it right... I am finally going to let go of the chicken that I continue to house somewhere within me and do what I do best... Stop Waiting. I got a whole community standing behind me, funding just waiting for me, and youth with desperate needs.
* Now that I am invigorated with change and hope and excitement... my creativity is flowing over. This week I had several dialogues with important community members who are eager to support me in setting up my new life up here. A couple of days ago I met a guy who's responsible to give funds to desirable business ventures who basically told me that with my kinds of skills and ideas I'll get a 30,000 USD starter donation as soon as May 2010!!! Yesterday evening I met the responsible person of the social health sector (responsible for people struggling with addictions). We clicked and she gave me a big "thumbs up" for proceeding with my plan to create a temporary home for youth. She will inquire with the people in power if the community will pay me for doing mentoring work with youth between now and May. The idea here is to get me started in earning trust within the greater community, helping youth as soon as possible (there is NOTHING for them in place.. NOTHING!!), and getting me a little island to stand on. If this works out I would be hired for a 3-month period to meet 1:1 with maybe 6 youth on a regular basis to do anything from drinking coffee to going out backpacking (according to the youths interests and needs). Obviously that would also allow me access to much needed Swedish courses and getting a more thorough understanding of the place and its opportunities and challenges. All-the-while I could focus on applying for funds for my business to be... figure out location, business-y stuff, etc.
Today, feeling quite elated after last night... I searched the net some in regards to other initial opportunities for me and found in the process that this community is basically screaming for people like me to move here. They have free business courses for people up to 35 years old... and highlight that they are particularly interested in female entrepreneurs. When checking the local Arbetsformedlingen homepage, I found that there is a project going that entices people from the EU to move here. As a German passport holder, I fall into that category as well which makes me highly desirable for the area. (Which is were I got the brain fart of creating a Wanted Sign for this blogpost... - aka: Having a dog that needs walks and too much brain juices being activated).
Being the Go Getter I currently I am, I immediately went to the Arbetsformedlingen to set up an appointment. Sounds like those guys may even give me funds to keep alive between now and then. Crazy, huh? The thing is... all of Sweden is generally set up the same way. But when I attempted to take all the steps I am currently taking here back in the south... they only had frustrating results because the area is overflowing with all kinds of immigrants and the professional environment is significantly less suited for my kinds of skills. Hence, not moving here would be suicidal. Well,... you're getting my point, right?
So, Beefy and I are shifting back to Go Getter Style living.
We're stoked.. and we will do our best to keep you posted on our progress.
Me and B

:-) That's all I have to say. And thanks for posting some pictures!
ReplyDeleteThis is really amazing news! Congratulations. I can't wait to see how it all unfolds. And I love that little letter to your instincts up there. Awesome :)
ReplyDeleteYou two are great! Thanks for celebrating with me.
ReplyDeleteKram kram. (That's what sweet Swedes say when they imply a virtual hug - sometimes they double them up like I just did...). There are two of you after all ;)