Monday, January 11, 2010

Ups-y Daisy...!

I found a weapon in Paradise the other day. Don't know if its real. Took photos... will keep you posted.

Also just got a phone call from Yxbacken asking me if I could come to tonight's board meeting to meet... well, the board. And talk about myself.

Good thing I got a new haircut today, new jeans, belt, and top. Now I can rock the world (it's all about clothing, isn't it?) [if you know me you know that that's the biggest lie that has been written on this blog - and the only... I think].

So... within the 24 hours of my trip to Mr. Moose I get to kick ass at a meeting tonight. Great.

Gotta go...! :)

PS: And, yes, I really did find a weapon. In the window of the earth cellar I posted here.... What now?


  1. I am at least as late with this response as my landlady is with checking if it's actually real. See, the thing is... if I just leave it and then one day read in the news that someone got in trouble with it that would really... pain me. Don't want that to happen. Call me chicken or karma freak or whatever... I'll take it.

    Seeing that the lady hasn't taken care of it though I may take some friends down there with me tomorrow to figure the story out for realz. Cross your fingers... should I wear gloves for this?
