Thursday, January 7, 2010

Completely, Utterly... Obsessed with "The North".

Isn't this stunning? To me this looks like a letter... :)

Yup, that's me: Helplessly fascinated with all that's harsh, cold, and stunning. In my mind also called - "The North".

Most recently my fascination led me to research the sunrise and sunset times up in Sveg (where I'll be next week, ya-ay!) compared to what's happening down here. Sounds like those 572 km make quite the difference. How can I be so excited about my daylight getting shorter in the near future?

Here's the stats:

Today's sunrise in Paradise: 8:42
Today's sunrise in Sveg: 9:20

Today's sunset in Paradise: 15:22 (may as well adapt to our way of reading the time)
Today's sunset in Sveg: 14:58


Good times.

B and I were separated for a couple of hours for the first time in forever yesterday. Felt kind of good, actually. I think it's about time for us to not be Velcro-ed to one another every single minute of every single day. I love him even more with a little bit of time apart... :)

Gotta admit though, that I felt a bit stir-crazy a couple of days ago. It clearly becomes time for me to mingle a bit with people and get myself involved in some work somewhere.

My lil' dating streak is therefore all the more welcome. Yesterday's B and I going-separate-ways-for-a-little was related to such an activity, as was getting groceries (ha! multitasking me, huh?), having Sweet Shoulder company, and making and enjoying an incredible meal. Maybe I should add here that "Sweet Shoulders" comes from up North?? (However, twice as far up north - 1067km from my couch - as what I am visiting... this country is seriously loooooong = endless opportunities for me). Whenever he says "up north" with his Swedish accent I melt a little... --- Had to check his hometown's sunrise and sunset data (I never said I wasn't obsessed, right? Today, they were as follows: Sunrise 9:45; sunset 13:34!). Crazy stuff... but breathe easy, reader: Cause tomorrow is a whopping 5 minutes longer up there... ;)


So, what's actually happening in Paradise?

Not too much... reading, coffee enjoyment, stuyding svenska (yup, I am aware that this post is in English, hushhh!), walks with the B, enjoying the new groceries, connecting with friends and family via email and chats, and mentally preparing for my business trip to Mr. Moose in 5 (!!) days.

And dreaming about skiing. Look at this beauty, for example... doesn't this slope just scream for some lines??

Actually, it doesn't. It's a pile of pebbles a few kilometers away from the house. Not much riding there.... but tons of dreaming! :)

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  1. Ah, "the north"! You remind me of myself back in my Alaska days (seems so long ago), obsessively checking sunrise/sunset times. There is something about the cold, harsh, starkness of those northern latitudes that can really grab your psyche and not let go...

  2. Ha! That right there proves I am still in the "sane" category.

    What was it again that made you leave eventually? Just checking...

  3. Well now, I don't know if I would go around calling yourself sane based solely on the resemblance of your obsessions to mine...

    The novelty and romance of long dark cold nights wears off eventually... but maybe not if you have "sweet shoulders" to keep you company ;-)

  4. Of course you would. I mean.. I certainly do.

    Don't know how flexible Sweet Shoulders is... cause even though he's talking about "up north" he likes being down here for now. Maybe there are other Sweet Shoulders up there? One would think.
