Sunday, January 3, 2010

Late Night Snap Shot.

I'm tickled by life.

Feels wonderful.


Here's why:

My trip up north visiting Mr. Moose (thanks for the new and improved name, Andrea!) gets better and better. For one, it's longer - thanks to the increasingly wonderful Mr. Moose who will pick Beefy and I up in Stockholm on the 12th already - as the bus doesn't allow dogs to travel along (normally, public transportation in Sweden is animal friendly). Meaning: Our visit will be 8 days long... aww.. cottage, snowmobile and future work opportunities, here we come!

For two, Mr. Moose and I are now talking about utilizing the moose farm as an integral part of a rehab program for youth!!!! Recognizing the energy Mr. Moose puts into me, I'll do what I consider 'my part for now' and seriously buckle down with my Swedish improvement over the coming 10 days. I may go as far as writing this blog in Swedish, just for practice... stay tuned!


Online Dating - my first date today was really wonderful. I think I won't drag a whole lot of that stuff onto here - but I'll offer a mini insight that may strike you as funny (as it did me.....)

Envision this...: Several hours into talking, exploring Paradise with B, at home after having finished a meal... me sitting (don't know how I got there) on the kitchen cupboard - sweet guy just about to give me a lil' peck-in... I observe B over a nicely shaped shoulder (who's playing with "Ird" to enjoy his part of the deal) chew delightedly on the actual squeaker that used to be inside "Ird's" padded belly... = MAJOR CHOKING HAZARD!! ...yours truly interrupted her own exciting playtime, hopped off the cupboard, muttered an excuse (probably in that order), fingered the squeaky out of B's snout, returned, and proceeded.... with the grown up game.

Interacting with another human being (who didn't already love and adore me for my - or despite - my crazy lifestyle) also made me blatantly aware of me being less.... lets just say, "a little different". Glad the possessor of the nicely shaped shoulder could handle it and maybe even get excited about it.


My dog... I love my dog. What? That's nothing new to you? Well, it's part of this snapshot anyways. It's my blog after all ;).

And - maybe more importantly: Thanks to improving snow- and paw conditions, Beefy got to frolic along today WITHOUT BOOTIES AND OFF LEASH! - Needless to say: Bouncy flurries all around. (Also: The current snow would be SICK skiing... if only there were hills here!!).


My friends... I love my friends. Here's to community, technology which allows us to stay or get connected ;) , and health, and movement, and late-night-text messages (wait..., I may have a harder time than I thought to keep the sweet shoulder out of here...).


Intentions for 2010. I started an account with 43 Things in October (where did I hear about this? Maybe through LSL? definitively a good blog... so it may as well have been hers...). A recent interaction with lovely Andrea made me reconnect with that tool. I am now working on creating a list of 43 Things that I seriously want to put effort into. If you wanna "cheer me on" or just visit, feel free to do so at my profile New Roots on said site. Still working on the list and eager to make it realistic and meaningful.


Snapshot: Check. (Good thing... it's half past midnight). Later, alligator.


  1. Ooh! I got name-checked in your blog! Twice! I feel so special :-)

  2. You better. Feel special. Kram (hug in svenska).
