Thursday, January 28, 2010

* Shitballz! *

I know, I know. Shitballz isn't that nice of a post title. But, what can I say... it's my word of the day. I've been hearing it inside my head ever since I got woken up by a phone call this morning. Shitballz.. shitballz! .... Shitballz. Like a bad song that I cannot get out of my head. And due to my - at least today - lacking coping skills I can simply not come up with another post title. Shitballz... Even now... hours after having diverted a major disaster the word keeps haunting me eerily. Shitballz. Ouch.

It's been a tough day. (He! You wouldn't have imagined when reading that intro, huh?).

The cold who's butt I meant to kick a week ago has returned full force. My body feels like it should be resting (or be caressed ;)...) but instead it has to function. Cause I am moving all my crap single-handedly out of Paradise. And I have 48 hours left. And I have nowhere to go. [Well, I am going to stop for a little at N & N's, but then...? However, I cannot have a cold there... N cannot be around sick people...] Arrrgh!

On days like these it feels particularly disheartening that I am not even sure how and if I'll create an income for myself Up North. After all I happen to be... eh... kinda in mid-leap! *Shitballz!*

The weather has also decided to add some tickle to my day by being intense. Southern Sweden is at warning level 1 in regards to snow. Parts of Sweden are at level 2. Snow is falling like crazy. The good thing about this is that Beefy makes me laugh when he swim/flies through the fluffiness. The bummer came this morning when the folks from Myrorna called to tell me that they couldn't come and pick up my couch, couch seats, TV, DVD player, two tables, and chair. Cause the weather was too crazy. Could they come in a week? ------------ NOOOOO!! I gotta be out of the apartment by Sunday. It's Thursday. I don't even have a car much less a vehicle/trailer that could get the crap elsewhere (and how does ONE Marlies move the stuff out of the apartment?). [This may have been when shitballz made it's way into my life]. They said they were gonna call back. Yuck!

The other problem was that I didn't know if the couches (who I had taken off my neighbors hands only a couple months ago) were 'good enough' to be donated. Aie!

I'll spare you the details... they ended up coming anyways, loved all the stuff, and took it with them. The relief I felt cannot be put in words. I took a picture...:

Donating stuff has never felt so good.

Still, the stress-filled morning makes me once again painfully aware of how intense my adventure is. When all the doubts and fears creep in, I can barely handle it. I feel very lonely at those times.

Today I had to give myself a few minutes of Beefy hugging and letting the tears flow. That helped. [Just now he got himself comfy near my feet, resting his head on my right foot -- aww.]

Can things please get a bit easier sometimes soon?

And can people I send emails or call please return them? [I am talking about business stuff here, so, please, no friend feel offended. Without you I would only be half the person I am.]

Sweet Shoulders is shredding couloirs in Val d'Isere. That makes me smile a little.


I captured beauty though recently. As always, nature is incredibly stable and nurturing and hope-inducing for me.

B & I can now walk on what I skinny-dipped in only a little while ago.

Best canine companion... ever.

OK, one last time: *Shitballz!!!*

That may have done it.

Take care!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Help me! Car(e)ful or Carless?


I gotta make some decision here quick.

Have to be outta here (Paradise) by January 31st - thank goodness this month has 31 days!!

Don't know where I am going... well, yeah, Up North, but don't have a place to land... yet.

I also don't have a way to move my stuff. Other than my arms and my strong back... yeah.

So, I am thinking about buying a car. Cause moving up there and renting one for the trip is probably half the cost of buying one.

And I want one. One of those Volvo Kombis from the 90s.

I am just a wee-bit scared to spend my money on a car and then struggle to afford rent the second month and/or food... eventually.

Can I please have an income source that I know of... like... now?

Come on, energy in power.... I've moved here initially in June... and haven't had that relief yet.

It doesn't help that my money is on an American account that only gives me access to app. USD 300 a day. Or that I live 12.6 km round trip from the next ATM machine... so maybe I can take a daily walk to the ATM machine in order to have access to the money that I'll need to buy a car - just in case? Nicely done, me. At least B will get exercised.

Something tells me that I'll be making decisions like this one A LOT over the months to come.



Update: Just helped myself. Remembered a really sweet offer (a lady I have met once who works in the prison next to Paradise said I could use her car while she's working when I needed one)... called the lady up and now have access to her car both Thursday and Friday. That means I'll pack and organize the next 3 days... move the 2 after that and clean... and then get mine and Beefy's butt to N & Ns from where I can figure out if I'll buy a car or not for the trip Up North. Ahhh... for solutions. And sweet Swedes.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am attempting to place both my feet firmly on the ground these days... while I do that I wanna deliver to you reason # 37 why I need to move Up North (do I actually have to convince you anyways?).

Well, reason # 37 is the spark. On the pic below you're seeing sparks (no pun intended here ;) ...) parked (and cabled to) a bike thingy... you know the place where you would attach your bike - if it was summer or something.

They're used much like bikes... to my endless excitement the elderly population seems to make heavy use of them. Aren't they brilliant? I'll attach a Wikipedia link for your Swedish amusement.

I haven't had a chance to try one yet... but it won't be long, I can promise you that much.


Other news today....: In addition to Rhuben (whom I am doggy sitting) and Buford I unknowingly had a third pet under my care these last few days. Earlier today, I was happily finishing up some salad I had bought Up North eight days ago. That's when I saw.... and this is when my vision got blurry for a second... a snail (!) meander onto the rim of my plate. Yikes! This kind of stuff gives me the shivers... I almost ate a living frickin' snail!!! Once I got over the initial shock I shifted into intrigue however - how did the little wo/man make it this far?? I bought the (packaged) salad (don't even think it was organic) during the drive between Stockholm and Up North. I opened it the next day and stored it in the fridge ever since (minus during the drive back two days ago). Then it went back into the fridge in Paradise. And today on my plate. Gulp! What a tough little bugger, huh? Well, I guess s/he had plenty of salad to snack on.

Here's the thing though... I probably killed him/her in the meanwhile. This was not my first "snail in salad" episode, however, usually they happen in summer. When the obvious thing to do is to eat the snail... ahem.. I mean deliver it outside. Several thoughts crossed my troubled mind today... should I: Feed it to the dogs? Put it down the toilet? Put it outside? Smush it with my fork? Yeah... I know - all those options lead essentially to the death of the lil' tough guy/gal. So I did what any reasonable person would do. I asked my community. Via Facebook. And stored him on the balcony (including plate, minus fork) while waiting for responses. The responses took a while... (hey, I could blame the souls who didn't respond pronto!). By now there is a little sample of answers and it sounds like people are voting for a) eating him/her, or b) holding him/her as a pet (terrarium included). I actually haven't checked yet but I believe that I passively chose to kill him by letting nature take its course by moving him into the outside part of my home. Sorry, snail. :(


Dear Lil' Tough Snail (bugger),

I am sorry that I killed you after all you have gone through. I hope that death was quick and painless. I may or may not dream about you. You may or may not be HUGE and SCARY in that (those) dream(s) [Shit!! So much for peace and quite at night]. I promise I will do better next time. In the meanwhile I will do my best to take care of the two dogs that I have on my hands. Really, they're all I can handle in addition to my life being turned upside down once again. I hope you'll understand.

I also hope your life was blissful.

Hey, you're probably one of the farther traveled snails out there! ;)

Don't hate. Please.

Love ya,


Thursday, January 21, 2010

Buford and his twice-his-sice friend Rhuben.

Rhuben, Mr. Moose's Rhodesian Ridgeback, is visiting Paradise till Sunday.

Yup, we're back... arrived here last night sometimes shortly before 1 am. We won't stay long though. I got an "out" of my apartment one month early which is wonderful cause it lets me put my money where my heart is... and supports me in taking action quickly.

So, I got 10 days to move out and get organized for the move Up North. Life's a little crazy, no?

In order to distract myself I spent most of today playing with the dogs... as well as walking them and documenting the fun.

Here's some visuals for you:

And tonight... I am off to have date # 3 with Sweet Shoulders.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wanted.... Me!!!!! :)

Dear Instincts That Guided Me Here:

Life is incredible.
Thank you for showing me a place where I can
do my part to spread what I believe in. I promise I will do
my very best.

I'll keep the Beef happy, too.

Best regards,



Yup, that's what it feels like since I arrived "Up North".


There's a sweetness to the struggle I experience as I type this... I don't know where to start... so many loose ends to tuck in. Now the desire to share and describe is tugging... I guess I'll just let it flow and see what happens... :)

Snowmobiling... an odd start for a fan of human-powered adventures. And... I had such a blast yesterday "blasting" my machine through wild lands in Central Sweden... always following the track of Mr. Moose. I remember pondering the term boy-toy... does it even exist? Either way - I sincerely enjoyed getting a grip on a powerful machine, racing through snow, failing momentarily, and mostly just being completely awed by the stark beauty of the landscape that we traveled through... I already knew this and yet it was powerful to experience it up close and personal: The wild landscape that I soon get to call my home is the ideal place for a program utilizing nature as its greatest influence.

Mr. Moose with the machines...

Heart tuggins... That's what the reindeer do to me. They tug on my heartstrings. (Wait, what's a heart string?) I wanna live in a place where I happen across these guys at random several times a day (this time of year that is). Not only because B's body is shaking like an aspen leaf in a strong breeze, but also because they sweetly remind me that the world still holds a lot of magic. (Yes, I'll turn in a total cheese ball up here, that much is clear!).

Heartstrings tugger.

Ivan, Inez, and Isa. This sweet little crew is killing me. They're gorgeous, gentle, and inspiring creatures that love human company. And no, not exclusively so when one approaches with bananas or twigs (although they surely love those moments). They actually join you on walks along their fence!! Visualize: Mr. Moose, Yours Truly, Rheuben (Mr. M's huge Rhodesian Ridgeback), and Beefy walking the fence on the outside.... with Inez, Isa, and Ivan frolicking along inside. It's a rush and a blessing at the same time. Once Ivan looses his antlers one can do the same inside the fence... Once I am back here I'll spend some quality time taking real good pics of them. This time around even I was too mesmerized to take the time in doing so. Can you believe it?

While that's all exciting... here's the real stuff:

I've had the pleasure of brainstorming and networking at Mr. Moose's side for the past week. Doing so I have enjoyed incredible views, inspiring conversations, and meeting wonderful people. As of right now I am committed to do the following:

Move Up North as pronto as I can (I'll keep calling it that despite Sveg being in Central Sweden... after all it's part of Norrland... and everything North of Stockholm is considered North by any Swede).

Create a livable scenario for Buford and I for the time between now and approximately May. (* see exciting opportunities below)

Start my own business on a small scale by May. Yup, you heard it right... I am finally going to let go of the chicken that I continue to house somewhere within me and do what I do best... Stop Waiting. I got a whole community standing behind me, funding just waiting for me, and youth with desperate needs.

* Now that I am invigorated with change and hope and excitement... my creativity is flowing over. This week I had several dialogues with important community members who are eager to support me in setting up my new life up here. A couple of days ago I met a guy who's responsible to give funds to desirable business ventures who basically told me that with my kinds of skills and ideas I'll get a 30,000 USD starter donation as soon as May 2010!!! Yesterday evening I met the responsible person of the social health sector (responsible for people struggling with addictions). We clicked and she gave me a big "thumbs up" for proceeding with my plan to create a temporary home for youth. She will inquire with the people in power if the community will pay me for doing mentoring work with youth between now and May. The idea here is to get me started in earning trust within the greater community, helping youth as soon as possible (there is NOTHING for them in place.. NOTHING!!), and getting me a little island to stand on. If this works out I would be hired for a 3-month period to meet 1:1 with maybe 6 youth on a regular basis to do anything from drinking coffee to going out backpacking (according to the youths interests and needs). Obviously that would also allow me access to much needed Swedish courses and getting a more thorough understanding of the place and its opportunities and challenges. All-the-while I could focus on applying for funds for my business to be... figure out location, business-y stuff, etc.

Today, feeling quite elated after last night... I searched the net some in regards to other initial opportunities for me and found in the process that this community is basically screaming for people like me to move here. They have free business courses for people up to 35 years old... and highlight that they are particularly interested in female entrepreneurs. When checking the local Arbetsformedlingen homepage, I found that there is a project going that entices people from the EU to move here. As a German passport holder, I fall into that category as well which makes me highly desirable for the area. (Which is were I got the brain fart of creating a Wanted Sign for this blogpost... - aka: Having a dog that needs walks and too much brain juices being activated).

Being the Go Getter I currently I am, I immediately went to the Arbetsformedlingen to set up an appointment. Sounds like those guys may even give me funds to keep alive between now and then. Crazy, huh? The thing is... all of Sweden is generally set up the same way. But when I attempted to take all the steps I am currently taking here back in the south... they only had frustrating results because the area is overflowing with all kinds of immigrants and the professional environment is significantly less suited for my kinds of skills. Hence, not moving here would be suicidal. Well,... you're getting my point, right?

So, Beefy and I are shifting back to Go Getter Style living.

We're stoked.. and we will do our best to keep you posted on our progress.


Me and B

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

Still no Moose Pics....! But there may be a Billion in the Future.

First, a couple of impressions of "Up North". Then, some news that still scare the @#$bleep%^& out of me.

A street in Sveg... not all of it is this idyllic, but it's there.

River Ljusnan... funny thing for Bendites: Sveg actually means "sway" or "bend" in the river...

Cars are getting juju to be able to start as desired by the owner.

The cottage that B and I call home this week.

Yes, that cloudy-looking shape is a mountain... 'nuff said.


And here it comes:

B and I are going to move here.

More later...

Gotta cure a cold and snowmobile some.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The last 24 hours were some of the most nurturing for my soul in my life.

It's one of those moments where I re-track choices I have made over the last weeks, months, and years, and wonder if I possibly may have known all along where they were gonna lead me... - here and now.

I am totally blown away.

I wanna connect with people and share. Wanna call someone up (ha! the phone rang the very second I wrote this... it was my landlord though, whom I had told about the weapon - so no child is going to find it and injure him/herself or someone else... - not to speak of the fact that Paradise is right next to a prison!! - but of course I couldn't utilize that contact to share what's happening here and now) to dissect what I saw and felt today... so I can see and feel it again, from a new angle.

So, what is it that rocks my world...?

- I got to touch moose today... and feed them bananas.
- I was driven around a magical landscape that is decorated with crystals...
- I saw Swedish mountains...
- I got to watch a frickin' reindeer herd right outside the car (B shook like an addict during withdrawal when I made him aware of the beauty, ha!).
- I felt and heard snow krack and crumble under my feet (it's -25 degrees here).
- I saw the most beautiful sky turn all kinds of colors.
- I am offered to start my own business in the midst of this - actual - paradise... where everything that's needed is present.

All I have to do... is stop waiting.

Stop Waiting is the title of an essay of mine that has been published a few years ago. I'll share it here to help me with my speechlessness, as well as to kick the nay-sayer within myself in the butt... hard.

That's all for now. I gotta do some savoring... Over & Out.


Stop Waiting

Nobody and nothing will keep me from experiencing happiness and success. Yet my vision of completeness is not described by the presence of the two. I feel an equal need to touch sadness and failure to learn about my truth. To move towards it is beautifully simple: I just have to stop waiting.

I was waiting until I was twenty-one, and I did not even know it. Sure, I had a life, some ups and downs, good days and not so treasured ones. What I did not have at the time was my own dream, a goal to aspire to that held true meaning to me. My aspirations were the result of my environment's filters, marked by seemingly insurmountable walls on both sides, leaving me a path that started out relatively narrow; widening proportionally with time. I did not question its limitations. Conditional dreaming.

Then I met this kid. He was only nineteen at the time. He dreamed bigger than I. His destination was the world. His options the universe. He asked me to come along. I could not. For I had waited to dream fully, and was not able to take steps towards realization. He sparked a fire within me. I carefully started to stretch my horizon. Engaged in conversations with strangers. Walked to unknown places. Allowed myself to fall into a deep sea of inspiration. Guided by nature, people, and my inner voice. A dream evolved.

Seven years later I walk outside the boundaries of my earlier years. My destination is reshaping daily; it is being bent, stretched, squashed, and keeps unfolding. I invite transformation into my life. And I trust my inner voice whether to stop, look back, take a breather, or blissfully leap forward.

Now is the time to stop waiting again. I have become comfortable dreaming and nurturing my vision. I can remove my safety blanket now and step out into the open. I am willing to hold on to the hands that are being offered in support. Ready to reconnect with the environment I previously pushed away. For my vision is to break down the limitations. I am hungry to see more shining eyes. Hear fewer sighs of despair. Encounter more laughter, and more tears. I want to stand into the center of the fire with the hurt ones, the discouraged, the strugglers. Sense and tolerate their fear, anger, and insecurity. So they can make choices whether to hold on or let go. And maybe find that their boundaries are as much a result of perception as mine were. So we can experience more than conditional freedom. I have a plan on how to get us there.

All I have to do is to stop waiting.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ups-y Daisy...!

I found a weapon in Paradise the other day. Don't know if its real. Took photos... will keep you posted.

Also just got a phone call from Yxbacken asking me if I could come to tonight's board meeting to meet... well, the board. And talk about myself.

Good thing I got a new haircut today, new jeans, belt, and top. Now I can rock the world (it's all about clothing, isn't it?) [if you know me you know that that's the biggest lie that has been written on this blog - and the only... I think].

So... within the 24 hours of my trip to Mr. Moose I get to kick ass at a meeting tonight. Great.

Gotta go...! :)

PS: And, yes, I really did find a weapon. In the window of the earth cellar I posted here.... What now?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Taking a Leap... Again.

I feel as if I am entering a major transition.

So much can happen over the next few days.

I long for a change from my stagnate, yet blissful days with B in Paradise.

My visit of Mr. Moose moves closer and closer.

He shows tons of foresight and takes care of everything but "you decide if you wanna bring your skis, but certainly bring your dog :)". Will this trip be the beginning of a new life phase for me?

One where I can actually... 1) Learn Swedish, 2) create a home for Buford and I, 3) grow roots?

I am giddy and full of joy and anticipation.

Today marks B and I's last day in Paradise... for a while.

We're about to take our last long walk, and are in the midst of packing.

Packing is such a wonderful activity to me. Full of thoughts, full of promise, full of wonder.

I've been packing for a while. In all kinds of ways.

How will this story evolve?

Will B and I find what we're looking for?

What am I looking for?

+ Grounded, authentic people with goals that support mine
+ Landscape that continually inspires me
+ A sustainable, challenging, rewarding job opportunity
+ A refuge of sorts (simple is OK... I've enjoyed my trusty van "Shark" before)
+ Opportunities to learn and grow

What is B looking for?

+ Regular feeding times (or more)
+ Long walks (or more)
+ Play time (all-the-time)
+ Moose friends (if they're nice)
+ Snacks that aren't locked in a box (please?)

Next step: Walk. Dream. Ponder.

Do you believe in self-fulfilling prophecies?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Earth Cellars (for Andrea)

Since my arrival in Sweden I have stumbled over some interesting stuff.

One intrigue of mine are what I think of as earth cellars... According to a quick www research they are also called root cellars. Here's the one we have in Paradise:

Sadly it's not in use.


However, the next two (which I found on yesterday's walk) are... how do I know? There were tracks to each of their doors (and no, they weren't either B or mine).

Aren't they lovely?

And they can be found EVERYWHERE.

I have even entered one before... and this was in northern Stockholm. And it was in use.

Yup, Swedes do sweet stuff such as putting their veggies and fruit and cans and other perishables into earthy lil' wonders.

I kinda wanna live in one for a while.

Talk about being grounded... but no windows :(.

I may just opt for a stuga :).

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Why Getting B Out Kicks A#$%& in Sverige..

Cause he smiles whenever he comes back from a run...:

Cause there is beauty in the least expected places....:

Cause you can move freely on the land... Swedes called this right allemansrätten.

Cause there are mirrors to inspire you and remind you that you're a part of it...:

And cause it can happen that you find a perfect route to actually get groceries via ski just by accident... (today's exploration led us magnificently into view of town - all on minimally used paths!).

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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Completely, Utterly... Obsessed with "The North".

Isn't this stunning? To me this looks like a letter... :)

Yup, that's me: Helplessly fascinated with all that's harsh, cold, and stunning. In my mind also called - "The North".

Most recently my fascination led me to research the sunrise and sunset times up in Sveg (where I'll be next week, ya-ay!) compared to what's happening down here. Sounds like those 572 km make quite the difference. How can I be so excited about my daylight getting shorter in the near future?

Here's the stats:

Today's sunrise in Paradise: 8:42
Today's sunrise in Sveg: 9:20

Today's sunset in Paradise: 15:22 (may as well adapt to our way of reading the time)
Today's sunset in Sveg: 14:58


Good times.

B and I were separated for a couple of hours for the first time in forever yesterday. Felt kind of good, actually. I think it's about time for us to not be Velcro-ed to one another every single minute of every single day. I love him even more with a little bit of time apart... :)

Gotta admit though, that I felt a bit stir-crazy a couple of days ago. It clearly becomes time for me to mingle a bit with people and get myself involved in some work somewhere.

My lil' dating streak is therefore all the more welcome. Yesterday's B and I going-separate-ways-for-a-little was related to such an activity, as was getting groceries (ha! multitasking me, huh?), having Sweet Shoulder company, and making and enjoying an incredible meal. Maybe I should add here that "Sweet Shoulders" comes from up North?? (However, twice as far up north - 1067km from my couch - as what I am visiting... this country is seriously loooooong = endless opportunities for me). Whenever he says "up north" with his Swedish accent I melt a little... --- Had to check his hometown's sunrise and sunset data (I never said I wasn't obsessed, right? Today, they were as follows: Sunrise 9:45; sunset 13:34!). Crazy stuff... but breathe easy, reader: Cause tomorrow is a whopping 5 minutes longer up there... ;)


So, what's actually happening in Paradise?

Not too much... reading, coffee enjoyment, stuyding svenska (yup, I am aware that this post is in English, hushhh!), walks with the B, enjoying the new groceries, connecting with friends and family via email and chats, and mentally preparing for my business trip to Mr. Moose in 5 (!!) days.

And dreaming about skiing. Look at this beauty, for example... doesn't this slope just scream for some lines??

Actually, it doesn't. It's a pile of pebbles a few kilometers away from the house. Not much riding there.... but tons of dreaming! :)

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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Trip Report


Date: 1/5/10 (10!!)
Plan: Buy groceries
Approach: Studying google maps. Getting ready. Givin' it a try!
Result: No groceries, (very) cold buns, dog limping early, good views. Movie!

Found a Coffee Place... and an Ice Climb.

Yesterday's visit of my neighborhood village (across the Braviken) introduced me to all kinds of fun. For instance: I am now aware of the fact that I can go drink a cup of coffee with others.. by merely doing the following simple steps:

1. Gear up with winter clothing.
2. Take deep breath.
3. Call B (actually, he's ready the minute I even consider leaving the house).
4. Grab essentials (water, leash, booties, poop bag, survival snack).
5. Leave house (make sure that the boss leaves first).
6. Walk towards the ferry - choose the acres this time.
7. Start running after checking the time.
8. Have a literal 'run in' on the ferry right before it leaves.
9. Leash the B after arriving on board.
10. Nod thankfully up to the ferry gods :)
11. Turn into an icicle during the 2 minutes ride.
12. Walk past the boat storage place (where Mr. Moose's Atlantic rowing boat is stored).
13. Arrive in Kvarsebo "down town".
14. Find the coffee place.
15. Realize that it's closed.

Time frame for all this? A mere hour or so.
Plan? Come back when it's open.

B & I spontaneously decided to climb the mountain behind the coffee shop. After climbing past the section below, the boss (that would be me) decided it was too risky to proceed. There were ice sheets all over. I was writing headlines in my head (is that why they are called headlines??): "Stupid Tourist and her Cute Dog fell to Death during Monday Exploration of the Neighborhood", or "Send the Swiss Home: Tragedy on the Mountain", you get the drift...

We did find a trail after all (cause we're not giving up when there is a "utkik" for grabs).

"And where is the food, mama?"

On the way back I decided to film the progression of the ice from the ferry. The video doesn't only star Beefy, but also my glove. Cool, huh?

And today... we're going grocery shopping. By ski. Thinking about future headlines: "Silly Swiss didn't know where to Park cute Dog and Skis - Deported"... or "When will it end? Swiss having too much Fun in Sweden".

Make yourself giggle today!!

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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Late Night Snap Shot.

I'm tickled by life.

Feels wonderful.


Here's why:

My trip up north visiting Mr. Moose (thanks for the new and improved name, Andrea!) gets better and better. For one, it's longer - thanks to the increasingly wonderful Mr. Moose who will pick Beefy and I up in Stockholm on the 12th already - as the bus doesn't allow dogs to travel along (normally, public transportation in Sweden is animal friendly). Meaning: Our visit will be 8 days long... aww.. cottage, snowmobile and future work opportunities, here we come!

For two, Mr. Moose and I are now talking about utilizing the moose farm as an integral part of a rehab program for youth!!!! Recognizing the energy Mr. Moose puts into me, I'll do what I consider 'my part for now' and seriously buckle down with my Swedish improvement over the coming 10 days. I may go as far as writing this blog in Swedish, just for practice... stay tuned!


Online Dating - my first date today was really wonderful. I think I won't drag a whole lot of that stuff onto here - but I'll offer a mini insight that may strike you as funny (as it did me.....)

Envision this...: Several hours into talking, exploring Paradise with B, at home after having finished a meal... me sitting (don't know how I got there) on the kitchen cupboard - sweet guy just about to give me a lil' peck-in... I observe B over a nicely shaped shoulder (who's playing with "Ird" to enjoy his part of the deal) chew delightedly on the actual squeaker that used to be inside "Ird's" padded belly... = MAJOR CHOKING HAZARD!! ...yours truly interrupted her own exciting playtime, hopped off the cupboard, muttered an excuse (probably in that order), fingered the squeaky out of B's snout, returned, and proceeded.... with the grown up game.

Interacting with another human being (who didn't already love and adore me for my - or despite - my crazy lifestyle) also made me blatantly aware of me being less.... lets just say, "a little different". Glad the possessor of the nicely shaped shoulder could handle it and maybe even get excited about it.


My dog... I love my dog. What? That's nothing new to you? Well, it's part of this snapshot anyways. It's my blog after all ;).

And - maybe more importantly: Thanks to improving snow- and paw conditions, Beefy got to frolic along today WITHOUT BOOTIES AND OFF LEASH! - Needless to say: Bouncy flurries all around. (Also: The current snow would be SICK skiing... if only there were hills here!!).


My friends... I love my friends. Here's to community, technology which allows us to stay or get connected ;) , and health, and movement, and late-night-text messages (wait..., I may have a harder time than I thought to keep the sweet shoulder out of here...).


Intentions for 2010. I started an account with 43 Things in October (where did I hear about this? Maybe through LSL? definitively a good blog... so it may as well have been hers...). A recent interaction with lovely Andrea made me reconnect with that tool. I am now working on creating a list of 43 Things that I seriously want to put effort into. If you wanna "cheer me on" or just visit, feel free to do so at my profile New Roots on said site. Still working on the list and eager to make it realistic and meaningful.


Snapshot: Check. (Good thing... it's half past midnight). Later, alligator.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pinch Me, Please!!

Nope, this isn't a follow up about my dating development.

It's about the moose guy.

Guess what he just made my day with?

This (excerpts from the latest email I got):

"constantly looking for different kinds of solutions"... "Ive spoken to a lot of people and they are all giving the same response: That we need "something" for the youth and the older... so from my horizon everything looks good." ... "Here they are looking for 2 different solutions for the younger people, one where there's a kind of home for the ones that are in serious needs, and second were they still can live at home but be connected to the youth project." "Ive arranged for a cottage for you, and also a snowmobile. So we can move around and you can get a feeling for the nature and so on. We are also going to meet the people that are holding "the checkbook"..the ones that will decide if we are the right kind of people to do this."

Did you get this???? Not only are the people up north needing my skills for sweet projects... but also did he organize a cottage for me to stay in and a (!) snowmobile!!!! --- Sounds indeed like he's moving mountains for me up there.


Now, I am not sure that I can handle all that new development in just the first day of 2010.

I'll keep you posted.


I think I am online dating now.

It feels that way.

Once I have let go of my funny emotions around that I may talk about it here.

Just this for now: On Sunday, B and I will have company for our walk :).