Thursday, December 17, 2009

How to... Learn Svenska in Paradise.

Yup, this post features my first video. Yay! Hope it will make it into your warm homes... It features the B, I, and a dictionary on our way to the farmer for Swedish class. Enjoy!


After sticking his head in the snow for what seemed to be hours, Beefy brought me a mouse. It was only later that I understood the significance of his sweet gesture (I now believe he wanted to bring m-icicles to the kitties at the farmers).

Here I present to you my friend Kent. Yup, finally asked him his name :)

We agreed to have coffee more often in the future. He's a fascinating fellow who has worked as a seaman for ten years traveling all over the world. Kent views his cats as his kids (which warms my heart) and turns out to be a wonderful neighbor to have. He showed me his 16 cows later... and said I could go into the stables whenever I wanted (if I understood that correctly ;)...). When I spontaneously hugged him good bye I found out that he's a good hugger, too.
Who said all Swedes were emotional icicles? Not true.

On our way home Beef and I enjoyed some thorough winter blasts. That's when I came up with a glorious idea: Tomorrows "walk" will be the first of many on Telemark skis... until now they have been waiting patiently in my "office-n-gear-shed". I am planning to lay the tracks of a trainings loop here in paradise. Who says I cannot have fun being unemployed as long as it lasts? And who needs hills or even mountains?? (actually, I do --- don't tell the Swedes)

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  1. hm, your video says it's private and I can't watch :(

    Lou would like to know the kitties' names. OK, that's a lie, Lou isn't interested in other cats, but *I* would like to know the kitties' names. Orange cats are the best!

  2. Shuut! Is it working now?

    Glad you're there to help :)

    The names are to die for:

    Left, old kitty: Findus
    Right, younger kitty: Findulina!!!! Isn't that the best thing you've heard in a while??

    OK, I am a fan.

  3. aw, cute :)

  4. Wow, you have some crazy intense net searching abilities! Why isn't that surprising to me? And yes, even cuter now (only "my" farmer was never married).

    Did the video work for you? (not that it is actually THAT much fun but if its already there I would love for it to work)

  5. The split second of that video where B looks up at you, gets the ok, then puts his nose to the ground and trots on with wagging tail is worth about a million words about how awesome he is.

    Also, I love your farmer and his cats!
