Thursday, December 31, 2009

B Sporting Safety Gear.

I bet you worried if B was safe while out there playing today, no?

No need to worry, we got it all covered over here:

Yup, we now have one of those extend-able leashes that old ladies have (my own stereotype - busted!! unless you think of 32 year old me as old...). It works great when I want to let Beefy roam but not quite enough to get away with loosing another booty.

While I think it looks kinda cute I still hope for changing snow conditions... until then, we play wildly inside with remnants of the "ird".

Is it just me or does he look like he has a hangover?
~ And it's not even midnight yet (4 hours 59 to go).


Best wishes to all for 2010 from Paradise...


Buford and Marlies

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  1. These pictures are too cute. I hope his little paw heals quickly.

  2. :) - hanging in there. He's sure good at barking when there is noise at the door (or within 15 meters of it - good thing Paradise isn't filled with people).
