I have 14 minutes till I have to wake up the client who then has to do a couple last minute things before jumping into (T)rusty and head to the place where we start our 100 km canoe trip on Klarälven. Naturally, I have a million things still to do. Catching up here is an inmportant one.
Ready? Here we go!!
First a few photos of the last adventure:
Huts we reached after a 25 km hike.
Once B was with us my smiles increased by... well, a lot.
Photo credits go to A who hiked with us in week 3.
A taking in Helag.
Life is full.
Our time at home was mostly nice and sometimes tricky. I am clearly more prepared to do crazy expeditions with youth than to have them at my home. My home life really isn't as active as say... a farm life or some other good place where a troubled youth can untrouble his or her self.
Accordingly I have to work more. Meaning I have to create ways to keep us busy to keep some one from getting into trouble (for once not myself or the Beef-ster).
Over these past 2 weeks we did quite a good job at just that.
And at picking blueberries (hurray, they're back!), cooking scrumptious meals, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, doing paper work, catching fish, providing Beefy Panify with daily adventures and:
Yes, you heard right. Yours truly will spend the next week canoeing the Klarälven 100 km towards the south, then see some friends in the old stomping grounds and spend the last week prior to being FREE AS A BIRD (after working for 7+ weeks nonstop) on the islands of the St Anna Archipelago and then - move to the sweetest rental opportunity in all of Sweden per September 1st!
It's a farm that...
... is fully functional in case I want some additional four-legged ones...
... is located beautifully on the outskirts of a sweet little village...
... has trails (snowmobile, bike, hike, ski) basically going through the back yard...
... an incredible flat in it for the rascal and I...
... tons of space for all the things I can come up with...
... work spaces for wood work, art, repair, etc. ...
... a humonguous garden space that just kind of transitions into the forest...
... a wood stove...
... freezer, dishwasher, washer, dryer, environmentally sound appliances...
... lots of light...
... mountains and streams right outside my door!!
Ups, time to wake the client....
... anyways, I'll be back to move my stuff there and keep things more updated around here.
-- Skipping away :) --