Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yup. A Fighter.

This was written yesterday... sux when there isn't internet and I need it.

… and started I have!!

I have changed my whole outlook on my situation here. I have remembered my skills. I have found new energy and courage. I am alive again.

I spent all of yesterday and the day before figuring out how to proceed with “my job” here. I listed things that I am good at (ahhhh… that list is long), things that I need, things that I don’t like, etc. Yesterday I morphed all of that in a 4-page letter that I then emailed to “my bosses”. It includes the request of them making a decision on whether to hire me or not. They got time till the 25th of November. If they enter my agreement they have to either pay me a Swedish student’s existenzminimum, help me earn it (aka be very involved in my local job search), or pay the difference starting December till they are a business. Once they are a business I will want a salary that we agree upon before November 25th. I am OK with it looking less high than what it really should as long as there is part of the contract that ensures that I will get what I deserve once they are able to offer that to me. Additionally, I want to receive Swedish lessons the whole time as I am only worth half of me if I cannot communicate (including listening) to what my co-workers and clients will say. If this is too much asked for them that means that I am in the wrong place. Well, maybe not the wrong place, but putting my energy and courage in the wrong endeavor. If so, I will live. However, I will stick my worthy energy into realizing my own business idea of being a consultant/teacher/guide of sorts (see last post). I actually even consider doing that anyways and simply considering this Swedish job as my first gig. Man, shifting expectations can be so powerful!! Yay to my spirit that has been awaken once again. Naturally, N and N were once again an important part of this most recent development as was my lovely neighbor S who let me use her internet to shoot off the letter. I love community. One of the Ns made sure that I put the existenzminimum into the email instead of the amount I had calculated to be the least I needed. There was a difference of SEK 1500 (equaling over USD 200)! In my world of eating old camping food and dehydrated milk that is an incredible amount of money.

I did other important stuff yesterday…. Like putting the bindings on my telemark skis and snowboard. And hanging up more of my photos in my home. And taking a couple good hikes with the B. He’s been the most amazing cuddler and playmate recently. We fight over his squeaky toy a lot. It’s so much fun! In that process I also got headbonked by him. Hard. I get now that his head is at least five hundred times harder than mine. I have a sore spot on my left eyebrow. I treasure it.

Yup, all is well in my world. I am supposed to hang out with P later. On a friend level not a business level. That distinction becomes more and more important to me. We are going to drink tea and hopefully take the B for his second walk. Then I plan on a third (but first real) hike. P will deposit us far away from home and we will come back. Now that’s what I call fun! And then I will head to the library to morph this post onto the blog and do research on jobs European-wide. Another good day in the making…!

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