Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today, I bought Milk and Dog Food.

After yesterday's mini-disaster (Buford having a food party while I was gone) I was forced to do some shopping today. I am trying to have 0.-- SEK days as often as I can. N graciously said that I shouldn't buy food while staying at their house... ever heard of such incredible friends? I have, but I am feeling incredibly grateful - after all I have just met these two this past summer.

Anyways, I decided to go buy some 'regular dog food' (not the expensive hippie kind) and a liter of milk. I counted my remaining change before leaving the house... approximately SEK 70. And a SEK 50 bill... that should do. While walking B along the now empty canal I thought that it may be wise to go by my bank to check how much will be left after I pay the upcoming months rent... just in case. Beefy needs food after all. (A small bag of the food I have bought so far costs SEK 288; so I wanted to know whether I could use my card or not in case my change wasn't enough).

I found milk for SEK 7.70 and 3 kg of Pedigree Adult Healthy Vitality for SEK 67.80 (the food mentioned above was a 4 kg bag... I must be spoiling my pooch!). So far, so god.

When it was my turn at the cashier I figured I should see if my coins were gonna pay for the splurge. Swedish stores have coin collectors in which one sticks their change. I smiled at the cashier and mumbled a "sorry" as I dumped my heavy contents of my poor wallet into the machine. I was nervous as I hadn't counted the exact amount I had. Slowly the coins got accepted... I anxiously stared at the display informing me of the value of my treasure... 66.50... 67.00.... 69.50.... 72.00... 74.50.... 75.00... 75.50... Yay! Unbelievable I had the EXACT amount of coins that I needed! I took that as a lucky sign. Beef and I walked home bushy tailed and smiley (respectively).

We stopped for him to relief himself at a green patch near the house. Yup, poop is still a bit soft. It probably will stay that way for a couple of days... new food without getting used to it does that to dogs. Well, we'll just have to get over that, right, Beefy? :)

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