Friday, November 20, 2009

Check Off the To-Do-List

Today I have done the following (and more but my brain is currently farting...):

Removed a tick from Buford's freckled chest (I'm in uproar about this as it is November and there should be no ticks!!).

Sticking with the B: Found that he has eaten all the food I brought on our vacation at N and N's house... that's a big overdose of four meals and snacks for about three days.

Called the folks in Germany about the sweetest job - spending 3 months with a youth and the B traveling Germany by foot, working on farms, building rafts, etc. The conversation went super well - they are totally interested in me and vice versa. Now: Where do I get the funds to visit them for an interview? Oh, yeah: Pray for them receiving a needy girl soon, cause they will call Beef and I and we may just have the job!! Sweetness.

Connected with a guy in England that offers Nature Travels to Sweden... he responded to my "employment opportunities available?" email within the hour. No jobs but a sweet connection and further idea to help me out of the valley of misery.

Applied for a job at a Swedish ski resort called Ramundberget. Sounds sweet (it's located at "the end of the road" - behind it, there is Norway's wild mountains); but they may have no openings, yet.

Walked the Beef twice in the sun... glorious. And took him out another five to make sure he's not shitting his overdose into the house.

Learned that my "bosses" want to meet me on Wednesday to discuss our future. Was told not to be hopeful but that they were "doing what they could".

Spoke Swedish for over two hours (while the Beef ate his food) at some really sweet neighbors. They only speak Swedish which is a plus for me. Just not for my brain which is now mush.

Talked with my dad on the phone twice. Once my mom emailed me at the same time without knowing about the already existent communication line at the time.

Chatted with several friends and gotten hints and clues about possible work connections. Thanks Pierre, Wolf, Nina, and Joel!

Emailed a stranger (friend of a friend) to ask about job ideas. And, got an answer... isn't networking cool? No actual job offer yet though, but support and good juju.

Gotten another number of a local that may be a future business partner type person for me... and called. Will call again Monday when he's not at his brother's birthday party.

Set up an excel sheet listing my many job applications and inquiries. Updated it throughout the day as needed.

Started to translate my resume back into a German version. That, I tell you, is painful.

Created a "HOPE"-folder on Firefox to stick all the possible employment places into it... that folder now holds a whopping 39 opportunities!

Decided that I'll stay at N & N's till Monday and organized a ride back home.

Opened the house to N's brother and baby to have them rest on their way traveling through... = Buford playing with a toddler, me getting more beta on jobs (resulted in Ramundberget application).

And finally, wrote this blog en-t-r-y... snoooooooooooze. Now!

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