Saturday, November 21, 2009

Your Turn to Learn Svenska!

Look at this cool Swedish learning opportunity!

Anyone wanna be courageous and guess what these facial expressions mean in the comment section? It's your opportunity to be radical today!! Happy guessing/knowing!

(Good thing I invested in mjölk today!)

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  1. hm. I could cheat but here's my guesses without any cheating....

    missed the bus
    waiting for lunch
    clearly something to do with cow-juice....

  2. Yay for courage! Anyone else?? (Looking around searchingly) - I'll provide the answers later.

  3. I don't know that I even want to try... the top two pairs look way too similar... I'm guessing it's some kind of narrative about how not having milk makes you sad and angry and apprehensive, but then when you get milk you are happy - something similar to Kate's guesses.

  4. Thanks you two. My most courageous friends out there!!

    Ready - set - here they come:

    Chafed feet (ha!)
    Missed the bus (great, Kate! - that even rhymes you lucky)
    Forgot gloves (nice try, Kate)
    Chose the wrong lunch (Kate, you were too positive)
    Boring mail (I think...)
    Have milk at home!!!

    Yes, I needed a little help from uncle Google translator, too.

    And now, I wish that all food packages came with these kinds of stories/lessons. ;)
