Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Someone pinch me...

I experienced some deeply touching moments today.

As I may or may not have written about here, I will receive a visit from two representatives of a German company next week. They want to see and experience my environment, learn more about my motivation to work with youth, and be interested to find out what specifically I can offer their clients.

A couple of nights ago - during a hike with B on top of our house mountain - I had the brilliant idea of utilizing the 24 hours they plan to spend with me in Mr. Moose's "alpine hut" that he's willing to let me utilize with my future clients during the Phase II I am planning.

When I called him to ask if that's an option and if we could go visit it prior his answer was as usual: "Of course. Wanna go tomorrow?"

We took a little longer than that, and went today.

I don't think the photos below will do my emotions justice.

But: The place is touching me deeply, letting me feel rooted instantly, giving me peace, and letting me trust that the kids that I'll bring there won't be able to escape that energy either (even though they will likely perceive it differently than I do).

There are a bunch of little houses. One of them contains a bastu (sauna) and showers. One a kitchen (open fire place in the center of the room), one three beds. And then there is a well outside. That's where one gathers water by letting a bucket down and dragging it back up. No electricity, fire places in all houses.

In short: My dream.

I was so touched, I almost cried. Not sure what was happening there, but it felt good.

Something about Sweden and their old ways is just really hitting the spot for me.

Well, Sweden,... keep it coming.

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