Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dinner Table.

Things are developping beautifully around here. Having a client brings flavor to my life. It lets me self-actualize... isn't that a wonderful kind of perfect?

Life has always been good Up North - and yet, having a youngen around that needs a couple of pushes and some guidance here and there clearly adds to it.

One of the most nourishing parts of it all is The Dinner Table. Finally I get to realize my vision of creating an environment where the day is shared and debriefed when everyone comes together in the evening to cook, eat, and to just be. I see it as a life line of sorts.

We've been making beautiful meals from scratch over the last few evenings, which I have enjoyed greatly. Thanks to him being a Swede I also improve my Swedish in the process. (I think I won the lottery without even knowing it...).

And here's another thing it does to me: When I actually sit down to eat a scrumptious meal with another person (instead of surfing the net.... ouch!), I realize that there is plenty of day left after dinner, and find myself thinking of (and realizing) fun after-dinner activities... so I have been taking both the client and B to a special spot on the lake one evening, and then just B to explore a fishing hole in a new environment and up a mountain nearby to watch the sunset (while the client did dishes...).

The beauty of it all is that at the moment I am just starting to scratch the surface of what the future that I am building is made of.

In my vision of The Dinner Table I imagined inviting people from the community and/or visitors of mine to join the goodness.... wanna be the first to do so?

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to be the first to join your Dinner Table, but I'll take second, third, fifteenth, or whatever number you're on by the time I get there!
