Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Starting my own... firm??

So, I am looking for a job. I visited with that "opportunity-knocked" lady yesterday and learned that we will be neighbors for a month in my new home. Then she will move to Dubai - and gift me with some of her furniture. Not bad, eh? She didn't just hand me over a job though. She wanted to meet me and first figure out if she felt good about me so that she could advertise me in the employer world. She said she did (feel good about me) and that she will (advertise me). We shall see.

I am getting on my hind legs today to do some work on my own. Am planning to research a bit and write to some places that may be of interest to me. Fact is that I don't want a normal job anymore. Of course I would take whatever right now, but in the long run I want something that is a bit more out there (for example, in nature), than your usual 8-5 job. I want for my dog to be integrated. I want for it to be fun and healthy. I want meaningful experiences while on the clock. All that stuff.

Patrick was just here and pushed me towards starting my own business. Just for in between.... or possibly long term. Offering solo experiences to people. Hmmmm... that was a dream of mine a few years back. I could probably reconnect with that passion fairly easily. Will have to do some research and creative brainstorming. What do you think?


  1. So, if you start your own company, how will that work when you actually start working for/with Patrick? Isn't that a lot of work just for something in-between? Or is everything just easier in Sweden :-)

  2. Andrea: I am trying to figure that out. The Solo thing would be a side experiment of sorts, that could easily continue once we are doing Friluftsteamet. It sounds as if I could start out under someone else's company and just do a weekend here and there. The cool thing about organizing solo retreats is that there are virtually no cost other than paying guides (which would be me and one to two other people). I have to say that I am a bit shy about it though. I have worked so hard in the States to survive that I am feeling a bit resistant to putting myself out like this. In an ideal world I would just get a response from prison saying that I could do dishes there... we'll see. I am excited to find your comments here!!

  3. Washing dishes? I thought you wanted a non-normal job where the B could be? :-)

  4. Don't you think he would love to lick out dishes all day?? --- Well, doing dishes or anything else at the prison would allow me to check in with the B because it's in the neighborhood. I have a feeling creep up that getting any job will be tricky at best. Do you have a job for me?
