Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Get Ready..., Self! Time to Kick Some Butt.

I moved to Sweden five days ago. For the second time. For real. I brought my dog this time. Kind of crazy how real things get with a dependent. Too bad I am in charge… I seriously think his Swedish is better than mine already. But – as the title says – I am getting ready. After spending the first few days on the European continent battling a cold (yup, an un-fun way to start), I am now kicking myself in the butt to get things going. I truly believe that writing this blog more regularly will help me. Maybe I can remind myself here of the good things that are happening…, post some beauty, and - maybe I’ll even receive comments once in a while.

So, here is what happened today… a list of highlights:
  1. Found a new great viewpoint during the morning walk with Buford.
  2. Got a ride to Norrköping and then to my new home without even really trying…
  3. Saw my new home from the inside for the first time – it’s 500 meters from the beach!! includes sauna, canoe, berries, community, and beautiful nature backdrop (and is right next to a prison… that’s for shits and giggles… and not really a lowlight, right?).
  4. Got spontaneous support for my job search from the owner of my new apartment.
  5. Had the courage to walk up to the prison to ask if they had a job (see below).
  6. Got excited about the weekend when meeting with its planning committee (we’re going on a survival weekend with 33 (!) youth – Friday till Sunday – wish Beef and I luck!!)
  7. Am eating healthy, living cheap, and enjoying it thoroughly.
  8. Went to my new ICA supermarket in Östra Husby and found it to be super well stocked (produce section is much better than even the one here in Söderköping).
  9. Got a call from the owner of the house that I am staying in currently… he’s super nice and he let me know that I can access his internet while I am here (yay!).
  10. Bought peppermint and roibos tea at my future supermarket.
  11. Got my bike back.
  12. Received a package I sent to myself from the States shortly before my flight including several books I couldn’t part from, and treats: Strictly Organic Coffee, Sour Patch Kids, Chai Tea, and Good Earth Tea (yup, I am a hot drink addict).
  13. Took a really beautiful walk with B this evening… two hours on a new route (west on the Göta Kanal). The light was absolutely incredible!
  14. And I just saw that I now have two (!) official followers – thanks for the trust, guys. I’ll do my best.

Here are the lowlights:
  1. - I didn’t get a choice of whether or not I wanted the new home – had to take it for three months no matter what… this could easily turn into a highlight, but it feels a bit scary currently.
  2. - No job openings at the prison – maybe another day?
  3. - Beef chewed on a pillow that isn’t ours when I was gone for five hours (that’s my bad, huh?) – I figured I’ll just relax and replace it. There’s worse… like – the leather couch? ;)
  4. - A couple of days ago I was half-promised to be able to use a car to get myself started here… today I learned that that was not going to happen. I struggle with empty promises. They make me feel little. I am only 5 foot 4 and a half... can't get much littler than that.

I bet I forgot some things… but hey, pretty good for a day, no? See, and with that much stuff happening, I simply have to write it down somewhere. And it’s way pleasant to see that my highlights list kicked the lowlights list’s butt! Let's see what tomorrow brings.