Friday, June 11, 2010

It's been one year!!

Since I arrived in Sweden and started this blog. Here's what I filled it with:

... freaking out about letting go of the comforts that the States have provided for me.

... being separated from Buford for 3.5 months and 5 weeks.

... finding comfort in sharing Swedish struggles and glory with a wonderful online community.

... getting a brain work out when (attempting to) speak Swedish.

... being fascinated by typically Swedish things like the osthyvel.

... finding, going for, and falling in love with Up North.

... playing with photography, nature, and the B.

... wondering, hesitating, hoping, and leaping.

... taking "trips of a lifetime" on two occasions.

... coming up with my business idea and taking steps to realizing it.

... earning very little money yet still finding ways to feed the Beef and I.

... traveling to the US and Belize for work on two occasions.

... meeting new people, making connections.

... loving life.


  1. wow, I can't believe it has been a year!

    I guess that's a good thing--yay internet! we miss you, of course, but I'm glad to follow along here.

    btw, we have (always had) an osthyvel, but I always called it a cheese slicer...and I had no idea it was a "thing"

  2. Congrats on your year! I'm so happy to have found your space here so I can (try to) keep up on your adventures.

    And I'm very happy to see that your B is healing and will soon be back to his cone-less self. :) Enjoy your visit with your parents!
